Learn how to add passkeys to your Rails apps, from a real-world implementation

No matter if your app is greenfiled, or a 14+ year old SaaS, we can help you implement passkeys

The risks associated with losing a

bunch of emails and passwords keeps going up as privacy and data security laws are getting more teeth, making the fines a real concern. SMS 2-factor authentication costs actual money, per login; and TOTP is a nightmare when you switch devices (Thanks, Google Authenticator).

Passkeys are the free, standard, cross-platform future of authentication. Implementing them raises the floor for all your customers, while also making your app more secure.

While there's a lot of generic, big-picture material around passkeys; they don't answer the fundamental question: "How do I implement passkeys in my my app, when I've already got customers?"

Learn from a proven, battle-tested app

Noko's been around for a while (2008, if you can believe it!); qualifying it as a Legendary App. We're one of the first Rails apps to roll out first-class passkeys with an existing customer base; with a smooth onboarding, opt-in experience.

We spent months research & digging into the specs to find the answers, and we can help you make sure you avoid the sharp edges that we've seen.

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